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Islamic trivia for IAW 2025
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What does "dawah" mean in Arabic?
1: What does "dawah" mean in Arabic?
To worship
To invite
To convert
To pray
Dawah is meant only to non-Muslims.
2: Dawah is meant only to non-Muslims.
Which surah below emphasizes the importance of enjoining good and forbidding evil?
3: Which surah below emphasizes the importance of enjoining good and forbidding evil?
Who was the first companion sent by the Prophet (PBUH) to give dawah to the people of Yathrib (Madinah)?
4: Who was the first companion sent by the Prophet (PBUH) to give dawah to the people of Yathrib (Madinah)?
Bilal ibn Rabah
Mus’ab ibn Umayr
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
Zaid ibn Haritha
Which verse of the Quran says, “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction”?
5: Which verse of the Quran says, “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction”?
Surah Al-Baqarah: 256
Surah Al-Furqan: 63
Surah An-Nahl: 125
Surah Al-Ankabut: 46
Someone approaches you at IAW interested in learning about Islam. The first thing to do is...
6: Someone approaches you at IAW interested in learning about Islam. The first thing to do is...
Give them a monologue about Islam!
Warn them about the punishment of hell!
Tell them that Islam predicted the expansion of the universe 1400 years ago
Greet them, ask their name, and listen to them first.
A Christian approaches you and wants to learn about Islam. You should...
7: A Christian approaches you and wants to learn about Islam. You should...
Ridicule them for their belief in the Trinity.
Explain to them the beauty and tenets Islam, and why you love being Muslim.
Explain that the Bible is unreliable for its many translations/versions.
Inform them that Islam forbids pork and alcohol.
"Why should I convert to Islam and not Judaism? Jews believe in one God and are told to do good deeds too!"
8: "Why should I convert to Islam and not Judaism? Jews believe in one God and are told to do good deeds too!"
"The state of Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians."
"Islam predicted the Burj Khalifa, and the Torah didn't. So you're wrong."
"Would a just God give his guidance to only one group of people?"
"Zionism is wrong and therefore Judaism is too."
A disingenuous person comes and wants to angrily debate with you. You should...
9: A disingenuous person comes and wants to angrily debate with you. You should...
Disengage, and tell them politely that you're not here to debate.
Smack them in the hope that they shut up.
Debate with them back and defend your religion!
Ask them to leave if they escalate the situation, and speak to a PT member.
A journalist wants to interview you. You should...
10: A journalist wants to interview you. You should...
Ask them to wait while you ask your local imam if it's okay.
Let them interview you, but only if you think you're confident enough.
Expel them from campus for their poor handling of the Gaza genocide.
Direct them to a planning team member.
Someone asks you a tough question on the floor of IAW. You should...
11: Someone asks you a tough question on the floor of IAW. You should...
Change the subject.
Make something up cuz that's kinda embarrassing ngl fr fr...
Direct and accompany them to the person of knowledge on the floor.
Ask them to wait while you Google it.
One of my friends is having great success with a passerby at IAW. I should...
12: One of my friends is having great success with a passerby at IAW. I should...
Join in on the conversation and help him/her out.
Leave them be. I don't want to make the passerby uncomfortable.
Get other volunteers and huddle around them!
Interrupt them so I can get the ajr!
Which brave sahabiyya defended the Prophet (PBUH) with her sword and shield at Uhud?
13: Which brave sahabiyya defended the Prophet (PBUH) with her sword and shield at Uhud?
Asma bint Abi Bakr
Nusayba Bint Ka'ab
Hind bint Utbah
Ramla bint Abi Sufyan
Which sahabiyya was a skilled physician and taught reading and writing to the wives of the Prophet?
14: Which sahabiyya was a skilled physician and taught reading and writing to the wives of the Prophet?
Khawla bint Al-Azwar
Umm Ammarah
Hafsa bint Umar
Al-Shifa bint Abdillah
Which sahabiyya was a highly skilled medic, who pioneered medical care for her community and on the battlefield?
15: Which sahabiyya was a highly skilled medic, who pioneered medical care for her community and on the battlefield?
Rufaydah Al-Aslamiyya
Asma bint Abi Bakr
Hafsa bint Umar
Ruqayya bint Ali
The world's first university was founded by a Muslim woman. What was her name, and which university?
16: The world's first university was founded by a Muslim woman. What was her name, and which university?
Al-Sayyida Al-Muizziyyah, Al-Azhar University in Cairo
Fatima Al-Fihriyya, Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque in Fez
Maysun bint Bahdal, Ummayyad Mosque in Damascus
Buran bint al-Hasan, Bayt-ul-Ilm in Baghdad
After the conquest of this city, which caliph famously allowed Jews to return to it?
17: After the conquest of this city, which caliph famously allowed Jews to return to it?
Salahuddin in Jerusalem
Omar ibn Al-Khattab in Jerusalem
Salahuddin in Damascus
Omar ibn Al-Khattab in Damascus
Who was the famous Libyan freedom fighter who resisted Italian colonization?
18: Who was the famous Libyan freedom fighter who resisted Italian colonization?
Idris Al-Sanussi
Abd Al-Kareem Al-Khattabi
Omar Al-Mukhtar
Hajj Amin Al-Husseini
Name of the famous Egyptian 19th century Islamic scholar and reformer?
19: Name of the famous Egyptian 19th century Islamic scholar and reformer?
Muhammad Abduh
Hassan Al-Banna
Shakib Arslan
Hajj Amin Al-Husseini
During WW1, who did the British bribe to revolt against the Ottoman caliph?
20: During WW1, who did the British bribe to revolt against the Ottoman caliph?
Fakhri Pasha
Ahmad Al-Urabi
Hajj Amin Al-Husseini
Sherif Hussein
The Russian Empire in the late 1800s committed a genocide of 1.5 million against Muslims of which ethnicity?
21: The Russian Empire in the late 1800s committed a genocide of 1.5 million against Muslims of which ethnicity?
Who led the resistance against the Serbs during the Bosnian genocide (1992-1995)?
22: Who led the resistance against the Serbs during the Bosnian genocide (1992-1995)?
Imam Zijad Delić
Alija Izetbegović
Ejup Ganić
Slobodan Milošević