Privacy Policy

What gets stored for how long and why

What? Why? How long? Where?
The IP-Address of the user
  • To prevent abuse
  • To provide user-sessions
For a very long time On the developers server, by Netcup, in Germany.
The data the user enters (quizzes, email, username) Self-explaining Maximum of 30 days after you've deleted your account On the developers server, by Netcup, in Germany.
The hashed password of the user Self-explaining Maximum of 30 days after you've deleted your account On my server, by Netcup, in Germany.


Cookies are used to store access-tokens, user-sessions and preferences. They expire after a year.


This site uses a self-hosted GlitchTip (sentry) instance for error-logging. An opt-out is not available at the moment. This website also uses Plausible to log usage-data, but this is also running on the same server as ClassQuiz itself.


The quiz-admin can enable the captcha, which then loads Google's ReCaptcha which then sends something to Google. Refer to Google's Privacy policy.

Made with ❤️ by Mawoka and with the help of others.
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